About Us

Worship Service

Sunday morning 11:00 AM

Join Us to help you find
the way to the creator


Roberts Memorial is a loving church community that welcomes you with open arms no matter who you are or where you are coming from.  We are a small congregation with an enormous capacity to love and nurture the human body as God transforms the spiritual being.  If you are looking for a community to worship, learn, grow, and serve with; consider learning more about Roberts.

Membership in the UMC 

Today, United Methodists pledge in their membership vows to give off their “prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.” Thus, United Methodists continue the active life the Wesley’s and their colleagues brought forward. You join by publicly acknowledging that the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross is sufficient for salvation and that by acknowledging your faith in him.


Who Are We and What Do We Believe

The United Methodist Church is a global denomination whose mission  is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We believe in the Great Commision (Matthew 28:19,20), where Jesus tells us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. Next, we believe that to fulfill the Law of Christ is to love: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Throughout  the Gospels, we see Jesus teaching us time and time again that to love God is to love your neighbor. And it doesn’t matter who that neighbor is. Jesus was very explicit when he said, ‘Here’s what love of neighbor looks like: You saw me hungry and you fed me. You saw me thirsty and you gave me a drink. You saw me sick and you took care of me.’ That’s what love of neighbor looks like. And those neighbors, they start right next to you, right in your own hometown, but it doesn’t stop there. It goes all the way to the ends of the earth. 

In addition, we believe in the sanctity of life. Since all humans are a part of God’s creation and were made in the image of God, we do not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, culture, or physical disparity. We observe an open table, meaning ALL are welcomed to the Communion Table or Eucharist because Jesus welcomes all.  At Roberts, we pledge in our membership vows to support the church through their “prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.” That means, we are a praying people, praying for one another. It means we are present, whenever possible; we give of our resources, our talents, and ourselves to God through the local church. And finally, our lives are a witness to the transformation God is doing in us as we interact with the world. Thus, United Methodists continue the active life the Wesleys and their colleagues brought forward.