
United Women in Faith (formerly UMW)

The community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a transparent, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church. The Women in Faith at Roberts have a longstanding history of service.  Committed to mission and service to the creator, the Women in Faith, follow guidelines of their parent organization to form a calendar of programming that is enriching to all. Currently UWF meet after Worship Services every 3rd Sunday.

United Methodist Men

The mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others. The United Methodist Men are a small but diverse group of men who value fellowship and learning to serve God.  Our United Methodist Men practice servant leadership as they spearhead fellowship dinners and cookouts and assist the church ministries in various ways. Currently UMM meet after Worship Services every 2nd Sunday.

Meals and More

Whenever a member experiences a loss or is released from the hospital or another medical facility, and the need dictates, we reach out with flowers or a meal depending upon the circumstances.

The Healing Hands Initiative

The Healing Hands is an outreach initiative by Roberts Memorial UMC aimed at ministering to women in vulnerable situations, reconnecting with congregants who have lost touch with the church and providing spiritual support to sick and/or shut-in congregants. This initiative is the work of our H.O.P.E. Team and an initial $2,000.00 grant from the Northern District of the VAUMC.

Prayers and Cards Ministries

An ongoing ministry of care and continued contact especially to those sick/shut in or have suffered a loss of a loved one.

Bazaar and Decorating

 This ministry is tasked with the beautification of the sanctuary during each church season. Their fundraising event is “Family & Friends Day”.

Church of South Washington Street

Four churches on South Washington Street aligned by faith to witness to the larger Community about commitment to racial reconciliation, joint worship, and joint mission. These churches are: Beulah Baptist, Old Town Community, Roberts Memorial UMC, and Washington Street UMC. Two African American and two Caucasian congregations witnessing the love of Jesus.( Read more on the witness page under Racial Reconciliation).


Roberts Memorial’s Choir leads the congregation each Sunday morning in worship through the singing of songs led by the Musician Staff. Currently the choir rehearses Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Rehearsals outside of Sunday morning are scheduled as needed for annual days and additional worship services.


Our Acolytes assist in worship by carrying in the light for each service. The light is carried into worship as a symbol of Christs’ coming into the presence of the worship community. The light is carried out again as a symbol of Christ going out into the world.

Ushers & Greeters

Our Ushers Ministry and Greeters demonstrate the love of Christ each time the doors of the church are open. It is our goal to practice radical hospitality. Being engaged in this ministry is to stand ready to be a servant who attends to the needs of all God’s people during worship. Our Greeters and our Ushers Ministry facilitate familiarity with the physical building of the church and are attentive to the needs of all during worship.

Communion Stewards

Our Communion Stewards are lay members entrusted with assisting in the preparation and administration of the sacrament of Holy Communion. Their role is integral to ensuring the sacrament is celebrated in a manner that reflects its sacredness and theological importance.

Lay Servant Ministry

We support the spiritual development of all our members. We encourage their corporate and independent study of God’s Word as well as the recognition and development of their gifts. We encourage members to consider becoming Certified Lay Servants by completing mandated course of study and committing to serving in Roberts (local church) and or community.  A Certified Lay Servant, in consultation with the Pastor may:

  • Provide leadership, assistance, and support to the program emphases of the church or other United Methodist ministry
  • Lead meetings for prayer, training, study, and discussion when requested by the Pastor, District Superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries
  • Conduct, or assist in conducting, services of worship, preach the word, or give addresses when requested by the Pastor, District Superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries
  • Work with appropriate committees and teams which provide congregational and community leadership or foster caring ministries
  • Teach the Scriptures, doctrine, organization, and ministries of The United Methodist Church
  • Assist in the distribution of the elements of Holy Communion upon request by a Pastor.